Golf Carts for Sale Columbia SC
Custom Golf Carts Columbia
At Custom Golf Carts of Columbia we specialize in building the cart that is right for your life style. People use Golf Carts in various ways, whether it be hunting, gardening, neighborhood transportation, business use, or pleasure. We build them from mild, to WILD. You can select your own color, wheels and tires, seats and all the accessories that you can think of.

Custom Golf Carts Columbia & Outdoors
We also build Golf Carts to fit your budget. When you build your own cart, you select the accessories which results at the price you want, and no add on fees and parts will ever be used so no higher prices for the customer. Our most commonly asked builds are Club Car Precedents, including a flip down rear seat, windshield, light package and painted whatever custom color you desire, whether it is pink, green, blue, black, white, orange, yellow, or any color. You can also add lift kits from 3 inches to 6 inches to allow clearance for 23″ tires, whether you need them for the mud or cruising the streets in style. No matter what your golf cart is being used for, the neighborhood, farm, hunt club etc, we’ve got you covered!!
Golf Carts Review
Gas Golf Carts Versus Electric Golf Carts
Let’s talk about the ‘range’ of gas vs electric Golf Carts. Our Electric Golf Carts with their new efficient motors can certainly go two rounds of golf on one charge. But if you want to take it out to the ‘back forty’ and work on fixing the fences from dawn to dusk, forget about taking along an extra set of batteries…an extra can of gas for your gas Golf Cart is the answer for this requirement.